Sunday, July 03, 2005

Sunday, July 3, 2005

Day 6 – Distance: 51.72 km
Lytton to Spences Bridge, BC

We got up at 7:00 to a sunny day, the first one we have really had. We enjoyed our “included” breakfast, then drove down into the village of Lytton , where the muddy Fraser River meets the clear green waters of the Thompson River. Then we carried on back to where I had left off Saturday, and we headed off. Somehow, the hills that seemed so high yesterday when I was exhausted weren’t too bad with a fresh body! We totally enjoyed the scenery, even through the switch backs and bad shoulders, as we knew we weren’t going far. It was quite an uneventful day, all in all, although we did meet a few delays. We got into our campsite around 3:00, and proceeded to try to catch up on a few things, including logging, and photos. We didn’t managed to do much to our bikes (Monique’s and my odometers don’t match, and I’m suspicious of mine, even though Jay assured me he had set it up for the proper tire size), but we’re hoping there might be a bike store in Kamloops.

Fauna notes for today: I saw an eagle flying overhead, and thought of the second dance at Nory and Robin’s wedding. I also saw a pair of osprey with babies near Spences Bridge.

We’re just about to warm up a can of beans, some wieners, and a few eggs for supper, to make up for spending too much in the last few days. Bon appetite!


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