Thoughts and Impressions
Even though I’ve done the whole thing, I can still not comprehend the enormity of it. I still think of it as a day at a time, or at most, a section at a time.
I thought I might feel different at the end, but I don’t. I’m just an ordinary person, with all my old feelings of inadequacy and anxiety (sometimes). I’m hoping I’ll use this experience whenever I feel overwhelmed by a task at hand – “one stroke at a time” will win the day.
Thanks – to God for keeping me safe and healthy; for making things “happen” just when they needed to, for moments of sheer joy and face-splitting grins, for songs in the heart and strength in the legs, for sounds and smells, exquisite rainbows, breathtaking beauty in mountains, lakes and plains.
Thanks – to family and friends. Thanks especially to Albert for allowing this to happen and keeping the home front running smoothly. Thanks also to those who allowed me to cry when I was hitting walls, sometimes of my own doing by pushing too hard physically, not knowing if I could make it in time if I didn’t, and sometimes by circumstances beyond me. Thanks to those who gave me advice and encouragement. Thanks to my three drivers – I hope you had a good time with me, as I did with you. Thanks also to those who cycled with me, long distances (Monique and Cassie) and shorter ones (Kim, Chris, Hilda, Doug, Alec, Heather), and who visited me along the way (Albert, Nory, Robin). A great big thank you to those who hosted me along the way - almost too numerous to mention, but I really appreciated all the hospitality (and real beds and food).
Would I do it again? Possibly. Will I do it again? Not likely in the whole, but I will do parts again, especially in Quebec.
Advice? Go for it – whatever your dream, big or small, short-term or long-term, do it.
I thought I might feel different at the end, but I don’t. I’m just an ordinary person, with all my old feelings of inadequacy and anxiety (sometimes). I’m hoping I’ll use this experience whenever I feel overwhelmed by a task at hand – “one stroke at a time” will win the day.
Thanks – to God for keeping me safe and healthy; for making things “happen” just when they needed to, for moments of sheer joy and face-splitting grins, for songs in the heart and strength in the legs, for sounds and smells, exquisite rainbows, breathtaking beauty in mountains, lakes and plains.
Thanks – to family and friends. Thanks especially to Albert for allowing this to happen and keeping the home front running smoothly. Thanks also to those who allowed me to cry when I was hitting walls, sometimes of my own doing by pushing too hard physically, not knowing if I could make it in time if I didn’t, and sometimes by circumstances beyond me. Thanks to those who gave me advice and encouragement. Thanks to my three drivers – I hope you had a good time with me, as I did with you. Thanks also to those who cycled with me, long distances (Monique and Cassie) and shorter ones (Kim, Chris, Hilda, Doug, Alec, Heather), and who visited me along the way (Albert, Nory, Robin). A great big thank you to those who hosted me along the way - almost too numerous to mention, but I really appreciated all the hospitality (and real beds and food).
Would I do it again? Possibly. Will I do it again? Not likely in the whole, but I will do parts again, especially in Quebec.
Advice? Go for it – whatever your dream, big or small, short-term or long-term, do it.
Congratulations on living your dream. You are an inspiration to all of us. What an awesome accomplishment. Debbie and I look forward to having you in the office soon. (I guess I will have to order those business cards after all).
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