Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Wednesday, August 3, 2005

Day 37 – Rest Day
Kakebeka Falls/Thunder Bay, ON

Mmm, sleeping in until 8:00 a.m.! A morning shower! Funny the little things that can make one happy. I started out to set out the route for the next few weeks, but found it much more difficult than I expected. I went up to the camp office to do some of the internet stuff, but soon ran out of time, so we headed out to the home of Hank and Rose Kaucharik. What a lovely time we had, chatting over a beautifully laid out lunch of sandwiches, fresh crudités, and topped off by a slice of yesterday’s birthday cake. Happy 80th, Hank!

Next we headed to a bike store to drop off my bike for its “checkup”, then we dropped Adele off for her massage therapy. Cassie and I worked some more on the bike route and schedule through Ontario, which still isn’t quite finished, then we picked up my bike and had some supper. Basically, a fairly restful day, which is perfect for relieving muscles. I tried very hard not to plan another six-day stint without a rest day, but that would have meant meeting Albert in Montreal River, rather than Sault Ste Marie, and the latter seemed to offer more potential for a good rest day. So, I promised I would try not to push myself too much each day, but to actually take the van at the end of each day if necessary in order to meet our deadlines. I’ve heard a lot about the hills around Thunder Bay, and of course have seen them for myself several times by car. I’m not looking forward to them, but will be delighted to have them over with. Fortunately, the scenery is spectacular, so that should make the effort a little more worthwhile.

I’m going to check emails now, so will say “adieu” until the next time I get internet access. Thank you all for emails I get; I try to answer them, but please forgive me if I can’t answer them all. I really do appreciate them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Nynka,
Remember the family camping trip about 30 years ago when we went to Kakebeka Falls. Thats the only campsite I remember from the whole trip. Funny that you should end up back there. It sounds like you are making great progress. Perhaps we'll see you in Springdale. Godspeed and safety on your journey.

7:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought the same thing as Len - one of the few great memories of childhood - seeing the sleeping giant, finding amethests, listening to Simon &Garfunkel all the way there and back - I still think about it when I hear the music.

I think it is great that you are having this adventure - it puts life into a better perspective for me.

Be safe.

PS- keep posting the pictures - I am more visual than intellectual, so I don't read all your entries. The pictures are great.

7:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry - I forgot to sign my name above.


7:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nynka: Thank you for sharing your wonderful trip on-line -- great photos and updates.

Cassie has kept us up-to-date by landline; she certainly enjoys all of you and I know this has been a great experience for all of you.

The Mom!

11:53 AM  

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